ISMA University of Applied Sciences Fergana Branch: keeping and developing education, science and culture traditions

May 28, 2021 ISMA University Fergana Branch students hold the Spring Festival dedicated to the end of the academic year.
At the event, the meeting of the top ISMA administration with students and guests of the branch is planned, as well as the ceremonial launch of the fountain after reconstruction, which is located in the courtyard of the University building.

Spring Festival already is a tradition for ISMA Brand students – the event takes place three years in a row, starting from the establishing of the Branch.

ISMA University Branch operates by the Decree of the President of Republic of Uzbekistan from 2018.

ISMA students in Fergana obtain the education by accredited European study programmes, identified as priorities for Uzbekistan:

  • Business Administration
  • Business Administration in Tourism
  • Information Technologies

ISMA University Branch students graduated from the 2020/2021 academic year in the historic building of the former House of Officers, which has always been the center of education and culture of the townspeople. ISMA, continuing this tradition, creates here multifunctional European Center of Education, Culture and Science for all residents of Fergana city and the region.

On this day, student fair will take place on the square at 18:00, the official opening of the Festival at 19:00. In the evening, the fountain will be switched on and a festive concert will be held.

Venue: 48, Al-Fergane str., Fergana, Uzbekistan

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